The 2025 Pacific APA will feature two sessions on Nietzsche. NANS Group Program Session: Nietzsche on Moral Psychology Chair: R. Lanier Anderson (Stanford University) Speakers:
Main Program Session: Society and the Self in Nietzsche Chair: R. Lanier Anderson (Stanford University) Speakers:
Friday, January 6 from 9:00 AM – 12:50 PM The Rise and Fall of the Drive Concept Paul Katsafanas Boston University “Is That All There Is?”: Schopenhauer as Metaphysical Minimalist Jessica N. Berry Georgia State University The Historical Turn in Late-Century Schopenhauerianism Anthony K. Jensen Providence College Schopenhauer’s Kantian Account of Moral Reform Aaron Barker University of Washington Is Schopenhauer a Value Realist? Qinyi Luo Georgia State University Schopenhauerian Cognitive Science: An Examination of Schopenhauer’s Proof of the A Priori Nature of the Form of Necessity Jesse Lopes Boston University Aphorisms on the Wisdom of Life » as Dietetics. An Alternative Reading of Schopenhauer Marie-Michèle Blondin Collège Montmorency Advisory Editors: Timothy Stoll (Birkbeck, University of London), Rachel Cristy (Kings College London)
Over the past few decades interest in Nietzsche’s philosophy has risen dramatically within the anglophone world. In particular, Nietzsche’s contributions to ethics, moral psychology, as well as his views on epistemology and philosophical methodology, have received increased attention from philosophers working broadly within the analytic tradition. The present volume welcomes contributions on these topics, as well as other major aspects of Nietzsche’s thought, including (but not limited to) aesthetics, culture, religion, and self-creation. Papers should aim for scholarly rigour as well as accessibility to a wide philosophical readership. To be considered for inclusion, submissions should be around 8,000 words, and be sent as a Word or PDF file by email to Timothy Stoll [[email protected]]. Deadline for initial submissions is 31 May 2023. Contributing Authors: R. Lanier Anderson (Stanford University) Rachel Cristy (Kings College London) Christopher Janaway (University of Southampton) Gudrun von Tevenar (Birkbeck, University of London) UPDATE (02/05/2017): the deadline for submissions for this call for papers has been moved from 1 March to 1 June 2018, per the editorial board of Genealogy.
We have received a call for papers for a special edition of the journal Genealogy that we thought may be of interest to some of you. Please see the below message from Genealogy's editorial staff for further information. - Jared ----------------------------- Dear Colleagues, Genealogy (ISSN 2313-5778, is currently running a Special Issue "Political Genealogy after Foucault" which is guest edited by Prof. Dr. Michael Clifford of Mississippi State University. "Genealogy is now accepting submissions for a Special Issue on the theme, "Political Genealogy After Foucault.” Inspired by the work of Michel Foucault, this issue invites essays from scholars employing political genealogy as a methodology and model of theoretical inquiry representing a wide range of disciplines, from the social sciences to the humanities, from philosophy to geography to urban studies to cultural theory..." For further reading, please visit the Special Issue website: The manuscript delivery deadline is 1 March 2018. We cordially invite you to contribute to this volume. If you have any questions, please contact the guest editor Prof. Dr. Michael Clifford ([email protected]) or the journal editor Ms. Allie Shi ([email protected]). When your paper is ready, please submit it through the following link: On behalf of the editorial team, Kind regards, Allie Shi Assistant Editor -- Ms. Allie Shi MDPI Branch Office, Beijing Genealogy Editorial Office Tel. + 86 10 81521170 E-mail: [email protected] genealogy MDPI AG St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland Tel. +41 61 683 77 34; Fax. +41 61 302 89 18 Dear NANS Friends, I am pleased to announce that plans are rapidly advancing for the next biennial NANS conference, which will be held at Stanford University on October 5-6, 2018. A call for abstracts is attached. We are very excited to be anticipating keynote lectures from Jessica Berry (Georgia State) and Alexander Nehamas (Princeton) at the meeting. Paul Katsafanas (Boston) has stepped up to chair the program committee for the event, and we are looking forward to a terrific and intellectually stimulating meeting. I hope to see you all here in the Fall. In the mean time, you can find the most up-to-date information about the conference as it becomes available here, and bring your membership in the Society up to date here. Dues remain modest ($20 for fully employed members; $10 for students, independent scholars, and retired colleagues), but the resources your dues provide are essential to our ability to mount events like the upcoming conference. All dues and any donations to forward the work of the Society are tax deductible (at least until the law changes; Act Now!). I also hope to see many of you at this year’s Eastern Division Meetings of the APA in Savannah, GA. We are sponsoring a terrific session at the Savannah meetings: Aaron Ridley will speak on “Nietzsche: the Self Expressed,” and we will also hear comments on the talk by Lisa Hicks. I am looking forward to an extremely stimulating discussion. Best wishes to all for a productive Winter, and safe travels to our two upcoming meetings, Lanier ![]()
The North American Nietzsche Society will run a session featuring Aaron Ridley (Southampton) at the Eastern APA Meeting in 2018:
Nietzsche and the Expressivist Theory of Action Chair: R. Lanier Anderson, Stanford University Speaker: Aaron Ridley, University of Southampton Title: “Nietzsche: the Self Expressed" Commentator: Lisa Hicks, Stanford University OHS The APA meeting will take place 3rd-6th of January 2018 at the following location: Savannah Convention Center 1 International Dr Savannah, Georgia 31402 United States One can contact the APA meeting staff at: [email protected] NANS now has a brand new website! This part of the site will be used to draw attention to new work in Nietzsche studies. If you would like your paper/book/other interesting Nietzsche work to be featured on here, please use the contact form which can be found here.
August 2024
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