NOTE: The NANS 2020 Call for Abstracts is now closed. A new call will be published ahead of the next biennial meeting.
The North American Nietzsche Society will hold its third international conference in Atlanta at Georgia State University on October 15–17, 2020. The conference will feature two keynote speakers, Christa Acampora (Emory University) and Paul Katsafanas (Boston University) and around six papers selected on the basis of abstract submissions. Sessions will be 90 minutes, with approximately 40 minutes for presentation and 50 minutes for discussion. The conference may also include invited panels, as noted below.
Submission of abstracts:
Detailed abstracts on any aspect of Nietzsche’s philosophy should be prepared for blind review and sent by February 1, 2020.
Send 750-1,500 word abstracts as a PDF file to: nietzschesociety2020 AT In the body of your email, include (i) your paper title, (ii) name, (iii) institutional affiliation, and (iv) contact information. The abstract itself should contain no identifying information, including in the file’s meta-data.
The program committee will evaluate submissions and prepare a program of roughly six presentations. The initial review of abstracts will be blind, although at the final stage the program committee may take into consideration the overall diversity of the program and its presenters. Decisions will be announced by April 2020. Papers presented at the conference will presumptively be published in a special issue of The Journal of Nietzsche Studies.
Graduate student prize: We will reserve one spot for the best abstract submitted by a graduate student (though additional graduate student abstracts may be chosen via blind review). We will cover all travel expenses for the winner of this prize. If you wish to be considered for this prize, indicate that you are a graduate student in the body of your email.
Panel presentations: There may be space on the program for one or two panel sessions of approximately 90 minutes, featuring multiple speakers discussing some aspect of Nietzsche’s philosophical thought. We welcome proposals for panels. Please include a brief description of the topic and a list of participants. Indicate whether these participants are confirmed or merely suggested. The Program Committee may also propose panels, or suggest amendments to proposed panels in consultation with the proposer. Notification about conference panels will also likely be in April 2020.
Questions can be directed to the Chair of the Program Committee, Andrew Huddleston (Birkbeck College, University of London) at a.c.huddleston AT